
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ouya Gets Vevo Content, Special Brown Edition

If you've been holding off on pledging for an Ouya because you really wanted it to be brown and cost $49 more, than you're in luck. Team Ouya has rolled out a special brown edition Ouya to celebrate their last week on Kickstarter.

Apparently the Zune-chocolate brown was personally picked by Ouya/Jambone/Samsung/Prada designer-extraordinaire Yves Behar.

Among the other news from today's update includes redesigned buttons, which take their letters from the console's name. The U Y A O buttons technically spell out Ouya, if you read clockwise from the bottom.

The popular music video company Vevo has also announced it'll be a launch partner, which means you can watch 24/7 Nicki Minaj on your Ouya when the time comes.

Every update adds new value to the little Android console that could. We can't wait to see what the Ouya will bring by the week's end.

Either way, for about 43,000 backers the Ouya has already shown it's value - if you still haven't pledged this late in the game, what would make you?

Nic Vargus is the Editor of IGN Tech. He loves technology almost as much as Reese's Pieces, Boyz II Men, and Pitfall! You can follow him on Twitter and IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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