
Monday, August 27, 2012

The Top 25 Xbox 360 Games

In case the Mayan prophecy comes true and the world really does end in December, we wanted to make sure that this year's Top 25 Xbox 360 would be a memorable one. So we locked ourselves in a room and didn't come out until we'd settled on the 25 Xbox 360 titles that have so dazzled us over the past seven-plus years that we feel they're still worthy of your time and your cash today. We're probably going to either include something that incenses you or make you even angrier with something we left off the list, but hey -- that's what the Comments section below is for! Make your case and make it well, but regardless, we promise you that none of these 25 Xbox 360 games will let you down (note: this list does not include Xbox Live Arcade games; we'll have that one for you soon). Without further ado...

How good is Burnout Revenge? It’s not even an Xbox 360 game, really, and it still makes our list. Sure, it got an official Xbox 360 release in early 2006, but it was an Xbox 1 game that got a high-def "File --> Save As" port-up for the then-new console. Revenge is the ultimate arcade racing game, combining thrills, chills, tension, and Crash Mode – a.k.a. the Best Thing in Any Racing Game Ever. It’s still just as fun today. Trust us – we just played it again for the 9,367th time. Revenge is the perfect balance of going fast (at a slick, smooth framerate, no less) and smashing s*** on a closed-circuit track. And that’s why the older Revenge makes this list over its newer sequel, Paradise – the boldness of Paradise’s open-world racing is offset by races that go awry without clear directions and, most of all, by the puzzling, are-you-f*****-kidding-me omission of Crash Mode. – Ryan McCaffrey

Conviction may not even be the best Splinter Cell game, but it was an admirable attempt to try something new with the franchise – and it paid off. Sam Fisher became a fast-paced predator who leapt out of shadows more so than lurked within them. Mark-and-Execute was a fierce form of firepower that enabled automatic executions, and that it relied on melee attacks to power it up further encouraged quiet and efficient takedowns. Conviction also marks one of the rare instances of comprehensible storytelling – the motivation of avenging a murdered family member was a relatable revenge fantasy. What’s more, the well-paced missions kept you on your toes in terms of what to expect from the narrative as well as how you’d play it out. The co-op multiplayer retained most of what made the strong campaign memorable, but forced you to truly rely on the skills and assistance of another expert infiltrator. Splinter Cell: Conviction is a great example of how to modernize a franchise in a way that will extend its lifetime considerably. – Mitch Dyer

Our pick for Dance Central 2 drew a lot of confusion around the IGN office -- most of those who saw it on the list asked, “Really?” and suggested something far less groovy to take its place. The thing about Dance Central 2 is that it involves players in ways most games can’t. Dance Central engenders the kind of liberated, kinetic gameplay Kinect was built for, much in the same way as the first, but this time with multiple players. With someone shuffling alongside you, it’s so easy to give into the music and lose control. Even those who love FPSs can admit that the actual playing of Dance Central 2 feels more energizing and meaningful than capturing any flag. For those who aren’t resistant to dancing in their living room, Dance Central 2 is simply more hed-bobbing dance music and fun new moves, and the appeal is magnetic. You can’t watch someone loving Harmonix’s star motion game without at least considering giving it a go. If Dance Central justified Kinect’s existence, Dance Central 2 demands owning it. So: Yes, really. – Mitch Dyer

Give Saints Row credit for not only figuring out what it is, but also for embracing it. The tastelessly over-the-top sandbox gang game is the anti-GTA: low-brow, loaded with head-scratching cameos (Burt Reynolds, anyone?), and completely whacked out of its skull. It plays like a game where any insane idea was not only accepted by the development team, but then polished to perfection by designers who took the nuttiest stuff and made it fun to play. Stumbling naked and drugged through a prostitution dungeon? Becoming a walking toilet in a virtual reality simulation? You have got to see this – and be sure to stay for both of the unbelievably awesome “WTF?!” endings. – Ryan McCaffrey

Car porn. That’s what developer Turn 10 Studios shamelessly advertises Forza Motorsport 4 to be, and that, gloriously, is what it is. The Xbox’s answer to Gran Turismo might not look quite as stunning as Sony’s signature racer (though it does look outstanding), but it’s decidedly more playable and packed with many more user-friendly features. First, the cars themselves: a select handful are viewable inside and out in Autovista mode, and the rest are fully modeled so that you can drive from cockpit or traditional external camera views. And the rides themselves vary wildly – everything from electric cars (Tesla Roadster) to pop-culture superstars (DeLorean DMC-12) to every flavor of supercar in-between. Outside of the races, you’ve got challenges to issue to and receive from other players, a robust multiplayer suite, car customizations out the tailpipe (including the return of the user-generated content farm known as the Auction House), and more. It is the ultimate game for gearheads on Xbox. – Ryan McCaffrey

Source : ign[dot]com

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