
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 Review

There comes a time in almost every tale of heroes battling heroes where the two factions put aside their differences to confront a common foe. That point has arrived in Avengers vs. X-Men #11. Pretty much any hero, be they mutant, super-soldier, or Asgardian, can agree that Cyclops is a big jerk. The event has now come down to a battle between the combined Avengers and X-Men on one side and the all-powerful Cyclops and Emma Frost on the other.

Issue #11 focuses on this big fracas and little else. As has been the case for the majority of Act 3, the story has become much more direct and focused. This issue really only offers up three main scenes -- Captain America's attempt to recruit a new player into the fold, the reunification of the X-Men under Charles Xavier, and the massive battle that follows. Even at roughly 30 pages, the story is a bit light and sparse. The advantage, however, is that Brian Bendis steps back and allows the art team to work their magic on a very visceral series of pages.

Olivier Coipel returns for one final hurrah on the series (which should hopefully allow Adam Kubert a little breathing room to focus on issue #12). He's more than suited to rendering the massive superhero brawl that consumes so much of the issue. The lines are sleek, the characters bold and dynamic, and the lengthy page count offers Coipel plenty of room to stretch out and deliver large, detailed panels. The biggest weakness to the art in House of M was the sometimes cramped page layouts. It's good to see that isn't a problem for AvX in its climax. But perhaps even more impressive than Coipel's work is Laura Martin's. Her colors are as bold and vibrant as anything you'll find in the industry. This issue is practically a smorgasbord of ethereal lighting and supernatural energies.

That said, the storytelling does falter at times. There are a few key moments in the battle where it isn't immediately apparent what's happening, such as when Scarlet Witch attacks Cyclops and Emma. A re-read of the issue is generally enough to eliminate these problems, but the fact remains that not every panel is as immediately clear as it could be.

In terms of scripting, AvX #11 is neither the strongest nor the weakest installment of the series. As mentioned, Bendis largely steps back and allows Coipel to go to town, making this a very brisk read. Bendis' own writing voice is a bit more distinct than it has been in the past. The opening scene involving Cap is steeped in that familiar, staccato manner of speaking. Cap almost seems overwritten, but this approach does serve the purpose of drawing out suspense before revealing the mystery character it is Cap is attempting to recruit. Generally, though, Bendis finds more success with Xavier. Xavier comes across as a powerful figure in this issue, benevolent and threatening in equal measure.

The problem here is that Xavier's newfound central role within the book seems a bit odd considering how sporadically he's appeared in the story before now. Meanwhile, the formerly important Hope and Scarlet Witch are essentially background figures throughout the issue. It's not that Xavier has no place here, but more that he should have been given a larger presence in the book from issue #1. With as little as this issue focuses on Hope, Wanda, or the Iron Fist/Phoenix mythology, it's difficult to picture those characters and plot points finding proper resolution in issue #12. Even the new character introduced at the beginning has no real importance in the battle that follows.

As for the big death scene that's making news headlines today (check out our interview with Bendis and Tom Brevoort here), the jury is still out. Bendis does devote plenty of real estate to both the build-up and the actual death scene. It's a strong moment regardless of whether you've been spoiled ahead of time. It's a much stronger and more emotional death scene than, say, Wasp in Secret Invasion or Bucky in Fear Itself. But there's also a sense of vagueness about the death. Was the character attempting to fight back or willingly sacrificing themselves? Were they, in fact, courting death with their almost passive/aggressive dialogue directed towards Cyclops and Emma? Given the nature of their powers, how much stock should readers put in the death in the first place? Granted, Bendis acknowledged this vagueness in our interview, so at least the effect is intentional. In the end, the real importance of this death is going to be determined by how Marvel's writers deal with the fallout. I'm optimistic on that front. Unfortunately I'm somewhat less optimistic about the final issue of AvX. Jason Aaron has a tremendous amount of material to work through if the major beats of the event are going to reach a proper, satisfying conclusion.

Jesse is a writer for IGN Comics and IGN Movies. He can't wait until he's old enough to feel ways about stuff. Follow Jesse on Twitter, or find him on IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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