
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Captain America #17 Review

Considering that Ed Brubaker is about to wrap up a near eight-year stint on Captain America, you'd think the current series would be building towards an amazingly epic finish. Sadly, his run now seems poised to go out with a whimper rather than a bang. Though this arc does address some lingering plot threads, on the whole it just reads like filler until Brubaker's last hurrah in issue #19.

The problems with New World Orders are varied. The general premise of Americans being driven to violence and madness by a crazed TV pundit feels too similar to Fear Itself. The villains behind this latest outbreak of fear, the Discordians, are little more than faceless, slightly goofy-looking punching bags. At least Baron Zemo is still in the picture to lend a little bit of color to the conflict. It would have been nice if the cover didn't spoil the Zemo/Sharon Carter showdown, though.

Characterization is also a major problem in this arc. The love triangle between Cap, Sharon, and Diamondback seems forced and unnecessary. The interaction between Cap and Falcon on the helicarrier is full of stilted and even preachy dialogue as they bicker over the validity of the riots. With Brubaker taking a step back for this arc, the characters simply don't tread like they have for the past eight years.

The one element this arc has going for it is Scot Eaton's artwork. Eaton's work makes up for its lack of flashy style with a solid storytelling foundation and powerful, detailed figures. Eaton is a worthy follow-up to the likes of Steve McNiven and Alan Davis. He proves himself equally adept at massive riot scenes or outlandish shootouts on the moon. It's just a shame that this arc isn't half as interesting as that last sentence makes it sound.

Jesse is a writer for IGN Comics and IGN Movies. He can't wait until he's old enough to feel ways about stuff. Follow Jesse on Twitter, or find him on IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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