
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Sales Reopen Today

Having suspended sales of Guild Wars 2 right at the end of last month because servers were creaking under the sheer weight of players, ArenaNet has reopened them this morning. So if you missed the boat on release weekend and have since lost all of your friends to Tyria, at least you can now join them.

ArenaNet originally suspended sales on August 30th, just two days after launch, because the server infrastructure was having problems keeping up with demand. Since then, the company had deployed new European and North American servers and prepared the Trading Post for a new influx of players.

ArenaNet's president Mike O'Brien had this to day: “Preserving the customer experience has always been our top priority. We’re supporting  Guild Wars 2 for the long run. We’ll always do what it takes to deliver the best online gaming experience for our customers, even when that means throttling sales.”

To celebrate, the developer released a bizarre and rather arresting new live-action trailer. Enjoy it below:

Source : ign[dot]com

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