
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Journey Into Mystery #643 Review

It's a good thing Everything Burns is shipping at such a rapid pace. Last week's installment revealed that Loki's former partner and BFF Leah was plotting his demise. I would hate to be kept waiting any longer than necessary for an explanation.

Luckily, Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen waste no time in getting to the heart of the matter. The explanation for Leah's sudden turn toward villainy is not only surprisingly satisfying, it pays off on material Gillen set up in the first arc of Journey Into Mystery. As I mentioned last week, this crossover is far more of a payoff to Gillen's series than it is Fraction's. Not only is it building on the framework Gillen set up, this issue hinges the conflict on Loki's shoulders more squarely than before. And as ever, Loki is more than up to the task of carrying the story. Gillen tackles him from a significantly different angle for most of this chapter. It seems almost certain that the newest revelation is merely a red herring, but it should be a fun ride while this story beat plays out.

The writers offer up some entertaining material involving the other Asgardians as well. Most notably, Volstagg settles uncomfortably into his new role as Asgard's steward. While there's a bit of comedy to this subplot, there's also a genuine sense of despair at the dark days facing his kingdom. The character has and continues to fare well in this book. The battle scenes across the Nine Realms are also enjoyable, though once again annoying brief and limited in scope.

The biggest problem with Carmine Di Giandomenico's artwork is simply that he isn't Alan Davis. The two styles really clash in the transition from series to series. It's a shame Doug Braithwaite couldn't have returned to deliver the same epic fantasy style he delivered during Fear Itself, as his style would have been a much stronger match for Davis'. Di Giandomenico's pages work well enough, they're just a bit cluttered at times. His Loki also has a tendency to shift dramatically in age from panel to panel. This may actually be an intentional effect, but if so, it doesn't work as well as it should.

Now that fans needn't worry about the Loki/Leah relationship being trampled, they can resume enjoying what is a very dramatic and worthy finish to Gillen's run.

Jesse is a writer for IGN Comics and IGN Movies. He can't wait until he's old enough to feel ways about stuff. Follow Jesse on Twitter, or find him on IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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