
Saturday, September 1, 2012

PAX: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes Demo Impressions

Today at PAX, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima unveiled the first gameplay of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, which he called a "prologue" to Metal Gear Solid 5.

The Fox Engine driven "current gen" gameplay demo first shown last week in Tokyo offers a first look at who is presumably Big Boss and new vehicle gameplay, but more importantly we now know what the next Metal Gear Solid game will look like running. Here it is if you haven't watched it already.

First and foremost, the demo shows off the muscle of Fox Engine, looking as next-gen as anything could (Kojima again reiterated that this was not a tech demo, but a true gameplay demo for current-gen systems). The non-gameplay but "in-engine" pre-roll introduces an unidentified man making his way through a high-security base, possibly a camp of the Les Enfant Terrible. The internet is already speculating that this man is Volgin. We want to throw another guess out there - could this instead be The Fury, who burned to "death" in Metal Gear Solid 3?

Volgin or The Fury? Someone else?

Regardless, we're next shown a child in a cage - Paz - who appears to have headphones plugged into her chest (she unplugs them, replugging them into an old walkman). She's betrayed the man somehow. He tells the girl to give his regards to her "Boss" (yes, capital B in sub-titles) as he leaves.

The scarred man pulls away in a jeep convoy, a helicopter buzzing overhead, both of which foreshadow the use of vehicles in Ground Zeroes.

Next up: Snake or Big Boss? He's credited and addressed as Snake in the demo, but it makes more sense based on the "prologue" timeline, that and his eye-patch is on his right eye.

Yes, it's been too long.

Being called Snake works for Big Boss as well considering that Snake is Big Boss' codename. It could be either, as they both appear to be eluded to in the below on-screen quote, "From 'FOX', two phantoms were born." We're going to go out on a limb and call him Big Boss.

Big Boss or Snake?

We see the stealth mechanics in play here for the first time, crouching through the base, avoiding spotlights and taking out a guard with a silenced pistol. We also see Big Boss grab a jeep, and quickly reverse himself out of sight. It's during this section that we see a high-tech tracking device, called a 1Droid in the upper left corner (in beta version 1.02, no less). One crazy theory we have is this could possibly imply either Vita second-screen options, or even crazier, Wii U possibilities. Or maybe iPad? Smart glass? Or it's just a fancy Metal Gear Google map. I know, we're nuts.

That's right: Droid, not Apple.

Grand Theft Solid.

The demo closes with Big Boss catching a lift on a chopper, which Kojima said would serve as a means to travel between missions, and even different countries in the game. The vehicles featured customize-able music, with "Flight of the Valkyries" providing a dramatic backdrop for the demo. Kojima noted that the volume of the music will effect if you're discovered.

Flares are your friend.

So what do you think? Will we be playing as Big Boss? Snake? If so, which ones? And who's the scarred man at the beginning? And why does Pax listen to her body with headphones? So many questions! Right or wrong, tell us what you think in the comments below and let's figure this out.

Casey Lynch is Editor-in-Chief of Hear about his love for PAX , metal, and Dark Souls on IGN and Twitter.

Source : ign[dot]com

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