
Saturday, September 1, 2012

PAX: Solid Snake Wasn't Based on Snake Plissken

Speaking at the Hideo Kojima Introspective: Past, Present, and the Future of METAL GEAR at PAX, Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima explained that his venerable Snake character was not based on the scruffy anti-hero Snake Plissken, played by Kurt Russel in John Carpenter's 1981 action film Escape From New York.

"Snake is the character in the game, but really Snake is you", said the director of Kojima Productions and Vice President of Konami Digital Entertainment. Kojima went on to describe his respect for Carpenter as a director, and his appreciation of the Russel film and character, but said, "Snake as a character has his roots in the 2D game. He was a pretty ambiguous character, didnt have much personality. We wanted to play with that so that's how he developed."

Kojima also expressed interest in making a game about The Boss, saying it wouldn't be a spin-off.

More news from the panel will be inbound shortly.

Casey Lynch is Editor-in-Chief of Hear about his love for PAX , metal, and Dark Souls on IGN and Twitter.

Source : ign[dot]com

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