
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Comic Book Reviews for 10/10/12

The Joker is back, baby. Not only did DC launch their big Batman storyline Death of the Family, but Marvel NOW! is officially underway with the launch of Uncanny Avengers.

You might notice that we've only reviewed the week's biggest books -- we're at NYCC, but we'll be back to our usual amount of reviews next week.


Batman #13

Written by Scott Snyder | Art by Greg Capullo

"Batman #13 is downright Shakespearian. The intro reads like Julius Caesar, filled with darkness and omens. There's a storm that changes the direction of a river, a lion born with two heads. It's scary stuff and it serves as a glimpse of whats to come. If Court of Owls played out a like a big action movie, then Death of the Family moves more like a horror film. It's creepy, dark and 100% Joker. It builds slowly in the shadows before jumping out you, hammer in hand." -Ben

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Before Watchmen: Doctor Manhattan #2

Written by J. Michael Straczynski | Art by Adam Hughes

"Initially, Before Watchmen: Doctor Manhattan #1 seems liked it would be a poster child for how not to do a Watchmen spin-off. Though competently executed, it seemed more interested in treading the same ground as Watchmen #4 rather than weaving a new tale. But then J. Michael Straczynski threw readers for a loop by having Doctor Manhattan travel into his past and prevent the accident that created him. Quantum shenanigans abound, and the series is in a much better place with its second issue." -Jesse

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Phantom Stranger #1

Written by Dan Didio | Art by Brent Anderson & Philip Tan

"The Phantom Stranger #0 wasn't just one of the more disappointing books in the Zero Month crop, but one of DC's weakest debut issues since the New 52 began. Theoretically, the series has nowhere to go but up from there. And fortunately, it does improve by a fair margin in its second installment." -Jesse

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Team 7 #1

Written by Justin Jordan | Art by Jesus Merino

"Two issues in and Team 7 isn't doing much to justify its existence. It's not a bad book, there are funny beats here and there, some nice action moments, but it feels kinda pointless. Honestly, there are better DC books out there for your money. Team 7 just treads water, pretending to be important but never being anything more than 'oh, that's was okay.'" -Ben

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:



The Avengers #31

Written by Brian Bendis | Art by Brandon Peterson & Mike Mayhem

"Let's be honest, this is probably not the Avengers book that everyone is looking forward to this week. There is a certainly uncanny title that everyone is talking about and that will no doubt result in this issue being somewhat of an after thought for many readers. But, fear not, because nothing too exciting happens in this issue so the whole thing is kind of a wash." -Ben

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Avenging Spider-Man #31

Written by Kevin Shinick | Art by Aaron Kuder

"With all the changes announced for Spider-Man, let us hope that we don't lose Avenging Spider-Man. Since the first issue, this book has been tons of fun. Issue #13 is no exception, even if it breaks from the done-in-one format that is part of this series' charm. In part two of a story that probably didn't need to be two parts, the focuses shifts more to Spider-Man and away from Deadpool. But don't worry, these pages are still filled to the brim with insanity and humor." -Ben

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


AvX: Consequences #1

Written by Kieron Gillen | Art by Tom Raney

"Marvel NOW! may have officially kicked off with Uncanny Avenegrs #1, but there's still plenty of fallout to explore in the wake of Avengers vs. X-Men. AvX: Consequences offers exactly what the title promises -- a look at the consequences of this latest superhero war. And with Kieron Gillen at the helm, it should come as no surprise that the book is worth a read." -Jesse

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Red She-Hulk #58

Written by Jeff Parker | Art by Carlo Pagulayan & Wellinton Alves

"Until the recent Captain Marvel series debuted, Marvel had the dubious distinction of not publishing a single solo series starring a female character. The good news is that we now have Red She-Hulk to help further reverse this trend. The series is both a fresh start for fans of Betty Ross but also a continuation of Jeff Parker's ongoing Hulk saga. The main character may have shifted, but the book retains the same elements that have made it such a worthy read these past two years." -Jesse

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Uncanny Avengers #1

Written by Rick Remender | Art by John Cassaday

"Last year in my Building a Better Digital Comics Marketplace feature, I half-jokingly predicted a future where Marvel only published one book -- Wolverine and the Uncanny Spider-Avengers. But now that Marvel is hinging its entire relaunch on a book called Uncanny Avengers, are we one step closer to that dark future? If it were a lesser creative team I'd be worried, but the pairing of Rick Remender and John Cassaday practically guarantees success. And though Uncanny Avengers #1 suffers from flaws common to most #1 issues, it is a successful start for for the new series." -Jesse

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Wolverine and the X-Men #18

Written by Jason Aaron | Art by Jorge Molina

"Wolverine and the X-Men #18 is heart breaking. Sure, Avengers vs. X-Men had a death that everyone was talking about, but this issue features one that ripped my soul out. It's not done poorly or played for some sort of cash grab gimmick; it's sincere and sad and brutal. Maybe it's not how it looks; maybe the character isn't dead and this is all Jason Aaron playing with us. Either way, this is a character's death in superhero comics done right. This is just a damn good comic book." -Ben

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


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