
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

CJ Entus takes the lead winning 2-0 against GSG

CJ Entus vs. GSG

Game 1


Bans: Katarina, Rumble, Evelynn


  • Lee Sin - InSec (jungle)
  • Sona - Kkinsh (support)
  • Vladimir - LongPanda (top)
  • Ashe - Space (adc)
  • Ziggs - dade (mid)


Bans: Twisted Fate, Rengar, Malphite


  • Ezreal - Clear (adc)
  • Orianna - Easy (mid)
  • Amumu - Solo (jungle)
  • Leona - ManDu (support)
  • Irelia - Cheonju (top)

The game started out relatively passively with only a few pockets of aggression in which both teams traded kills. As the aggression finally started to pick up, it seemed that GSG had stronger team fighting capabilities and would narrowly pull ahead in team fights. However, CJ, who proved to have better mechanical skills, out farmed GSG and held control over neutral objectives, allowing them to itemize better. Having both teams so evenly matched, it was hard for either team to push advantages and take objectives. GSG managed to take baron, however, despite this, they were unable to push forward due to the creep clearing capabilities displayed primarily from dade on ziggs. This unfortunately led to a rushed initiation and team fight, forcing GSG to retreat, despite simply trading one for one. Once both teams had time to regroup, they danced around each other in the mid lane. Suddenly, the Ziggs and Ashe ult came out for the initiation. Unfortunately, both ults missed, giving GSG the opportunity to counter attack. Luckily for CJ, there seemed to be miscommunication plaguing GSG as the ensuing team fight resulted in a huge win for CJ, allowing them to take an inhibitor, and baron. With baron, CJ boldly pushed down towers while they held the advantage. GSG seemed to be in disarray as CJ continued to bully their way into GSG's base. Finally, CJ was able to catch GSG out of position and quickly mopped them up for the win.

Game 2


Bans: Katarina, Rumble, Evelynn


  • Olaf - LongPanda (top)
  • Lee Sin - InSec (jungle)
  • Twisted Fate - dade (mid)
  • Kog'Maw - Space (adc)
  • Nunu - Kkinsh (support)


Bans: Sona, Rengar Malphite


  • Vladimir - Cheonju (top)
  • Mao'Kai - Solo (jungle)
  • Ryze - Easy (mid)
  • Varus - Clear (adc)
  • Zyra - ManDu (support)

Riding the momentum of game one, CJ started the game with an increased aggression. GSG managed to prevent a successful early invade, however, they were unable to prevent Space picking up a quick first blood on ManDu. Throughout the early game, InSec became a huge thorn for GSG, constantly ganking and invading. With InSec's help, LongPanda was able to shut down Cheonju and grossly snowball his lead. GSG made attempts to return this aggression, however InSec accompanied by occasional teleports from LongPanda, CJ was always able to turn fights in their favor. GSG quickly found themselves in a grim situation. CJ displayed an almost indescribable dominance in this game. With the tankiness from LongPanda on Olaf, some damage from InSec on Lee Sin, and burst from dade on Twisted Fate, they were able to completely overpower GSG in 3v5 team fights. Meanwhile, Space and Kkinsh persistently pushed top, quickly advancing towards GSG's Nexus. Eventually, it was too much for GSG, they lost one last 3v5 team fight in a 4-1 trade and brought out the surrender, giving CJ the complete 2-0 series and the three point lead in their group.

Match Breakdown

Game one was extremely close. Both teams were able to take advantage of each other's missteps, but neither were effectively able to close out the game. It all came down to the smallest differences in ability. It seemed like after GSG failed a tower dive after taking baron, they became increasingly disorganized. The tower dive itself didn't end badly. It was a one for one trade. However, this small case of miscommunication snowballed into a comeback win for CJ Entus. At first, GSG were winning team fights, even if slightly. But by the end of the game, GSG were noticeably out of focus. GSG had a team composition that was extremely reliant on chaining abilities. Unfortunately, after a certain point, they were always unable to do so. It was either abilities were still on cooldown, or miscommunication caused rifts in the timing. Of course, accurate disruption from CJ was also one of the causes.

Game two was a complete stomp. CJ continued to snowball their momentum in game one, as GSG continued to be disorganized. For instance, while InSec was roaming around the map making plays, Solo wasted a lot of time performing unsuccessful ganks. This could have been caused by miscommunication, but it was also, in part, due to Solo's inability to read situations and constantly made mistakes. While I cannot say for sure, it seemed like the loss in game one noticeably affected GSG's mindset in game two. If this is indeed the case, then as pro players, they must work on resetting their mindsets before each game to not allow losses to negatively affect their game play.


The MVP is InSec hands down. Especially in his performance in game two, he was able to make plays happen, giving his team advantages. It was not necessarily the amount of successful ganks that made the difference, but his presence as the jungler continuously made GSG wary of his position, allowing CJ to gain an advantage.

Source : ign[dot]com

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