
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Blackacre #1 Review

Blackarce's biggest problem is the way it starts, or rather, the way it doesn't start. The first six pages of this book are heavy exposition. It's sluggish, boring, and feels forced on the reader. We don't get to learn about the world in a natural way, such as through the characters. It's just thrown at us. Now, once it gets going, it's got some interesting stuff, but those first six pages really hurt the issue as a whole.

Duffy Boudreau writes an interesting world. Blackacre is about setting, and that's where this book excels. It's a dark, slightly apocalyptic future, minus the apocalypse. That's a cool concept and enough to keep readers interested in the book. What's missing is strong characters. Our hero is forgettable and boring (so far) and hasn't given us any reason to become attached to him. This is most likely due to the fact that such a huge chunk of the issue is dedicated to prologue. Hopefully, that'll change as the series progresses.

The art provided by Wendell Cavalcanti is okay, but doesn't ever really grab you. He's a competent storyteller, and there is a nice flow to the book, but he doesn't get to tell enough story in this issue. Again, his strengths are not utilized in those first six pages which just feature images of people standing there. There is also not enough background detail in most panels, and that is incredibly noticeable in a book that is all about background and setting.

For Christmas, Benjamin would like the ability to eat as much ice cream as he wants but never gain a pound. And like world peace or something, too. Or whatever. Follow Benjamin on Twitter @616Earth, or find him on IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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