
Thursday, December 20, 2012

IPL ShootMania Map Making Contest

ShootMania has a growing community that is always looking to make the next great thing. That's why the IGN Pro League is proud to announce the IPL ShootMania Map Making Contest! With Beta 2 coming out we're going to see new features added to ShootMania such as wall-jumping, grapple hooks, and much more! We here at the IPL are looking for maps that take advantage of these new additions to make the best Elite maps possible!

Do you have a great idea for a map? Here is the information that you need to enter our map making contest!

  • All submissions must include at least TWO new features but the more the merrier!
  • All submissions must be for the Elite Mode
  • Submit maps to with the subject line MAP MAKER CONTEST
  • Your submission must be in by January 2nd, 2013

All of the maps will be play tested by our Pro players and in-house staff to determine which map is the best. Keep in mind that you want your map to be balanced for players, fun to watch for spectators, and utilizes the new features in creative ways!

The winning submission will receive an IPL Prize Pack and will also be used in our official map pool for IPL6, guaranteed!

Source : ign[dot]com

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