
Monday, December 3, 2012

The Comics Run: December 3, 2012

Happy December! The end of 2012 kicks off strong with another great week to be a comic book fan.

If you want a comprehensive list of everything that’s coming out this week and not just my own picks for what’s hot, check out Diamond’s shipping list.

Before Watchmen: Minutemen #5 - $3.99

By Darwyn Cooke | DC

I may be generally burned out on Before Watchmen, but the one series that gets me genuinely amped any time it releases is Minutemen. Watchmen characters or not, Darwyn Cooke’s brilliant cartooning is a clinic in comic book storytelling, not to mention the fact that this Sally Jupiter is the most attractive Before Watchmen cover yet, in my opinion.

With Cooke’s other series (along with Amanda Conner), Silk Spectre, ending in fine form last week, I’m glad we’ve still got two issues left to go on what’s been my crown jewel of Before Watchmen thus far. Oh, and while you're at it, you should check out our preview of this issue, It's pretty.

Avengers #1 - $3.99

By Jonathan Hickman & Jerome Opena | Marvel

Between Hickman’s penchant for cerebral long-form storytelling and Jerome Opena’s incessantly gorgeous artwork, I’m not sure there’s any reason a self-respecting superhero fan wouldn’t be snagging this book. Even though I’m cheating a little here since I’ve read the issue already (it’s good), the creators alone should warrant your immense excitement.

As someone who hasn’t read a main Avengers title consistently since before Secret Invasion, I’m fully prepared to take the plunge into what will surely become a one of the most epic Avengers stories in modern times.

Hawkeye #5 - $2.99

By Matt Fraction & Javier Pulido | Marvel

The tape! THE TAPE! What’s on the tape? Something bad, I gather, but it remains to be seen if we’ll ever explicitly find out. But the best part is that it really doesn’t matter, because it’s just fun as hell to watch the consequences. Pulido is a fitting substitute for regular artist David Aja, and it’s fun to see Fraction build a story a bit lengthier than we’re used to seeing in this series while retaining the relatively contained nature of this book.

Even amongst all the great new Marvel NOW! titles that have been firing on all cylinders, Hawkeye remains one of the books I look forward to more than nearly any other (trailing closely behind Daredevil).

Hellboy in Hell #1 - $2.99

By Mike Mignola | Dark Horse

At the end of 2011, Mike Mignola did the unthinkable when he killed that loveable red oaf with the rock fist, Hellboy. Of course, Hellboy’s never been the type of comic to adhere to typical superhero tropes, suggesting that, yes, dead is dead. However, given that “hell” is in the character’s name, it only makes sense to continue his adventures in an all-new way down below.

I love the cover, too, with Hellboy just expressing confusion and surprise with the very simple exclamation point floating above his head. It’s classic cartooning at its finest, and I’m willing to bet that Hellboy in Hell will continue that Hellboy tradition of being totally awesome.

Legend of Luther Strode #1 - $3.50

By Justin Jordan & Tradd Moore | Image

The Strange Talent of Luther Strode was one of the pleasant indie surprises of 2011, and its success has led to great new opportunities for its creators. But now the duo is back to the uber-violent world of Luther Strode, as the story picks up five years after the original with Luther completely alone and knee-deep in blood and guts and murder.

The great thing about Luther Strode is that it doesn’t just rely on its gore to succeed, but great character dynamics as well. In fact, we talked to Jordan and Moore about this new series a while back, so you should check that out.

Joey is IGN's Comics Editor and a comic book creator himself. Follow Joey on Twitter, or find him on IGN. He  thinks  knows the world needs more horror comic books.

Source : ign[dot]com

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