
Thursday, December 6, 2012

To Boldly Speculate: Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer

Stardate -310069. Or the day on which the Earth sat still and watched the announcement trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness. And as far as trailer trailers go, there’s quite a lot to think about. Perhaps most noteworthy is the fact it pretty much confirms that, after much speculation, Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Gary Mitchell.

The clues are there: the godly haughtiness of his soliloquy (you can almost see him goading Kirk into submission); his superhuman strength and agility; and that closing shot of him wearing a Star Fleet undershirt. (Interestingly, it’s the same outfit, or near enough, to the one worn by Kirk for much of the first film).

Is Cumberbatch playing Gary Mitchell?


Helmsman Gary Mitchell

If you’ve never seen the episode ‘Where No Man Has Gone Before’, or haven’t a clue who Gary Mitchell is, he was a cadet and friend of Captain Kirk. Their friendship stemmed from a time when Kirk was an instructor at Star Fleet, and Mitchell would later serve aboard the Enterprise as helmsman. But given that Kirk has only recently-graduated in Abrams’ reboot, we suspect Mitchell will be reimagined as a contemporary of Kirk – a friend but someone who also envied the precocious James T. Kirk. In TOS, Mitchell had an exceptionally high esper rating of 091, which is a standardised test given to all Star Fleet recruits and is an indication of an individual’s Psionic potential (the ability to produce mental energy). While high for a human, Mitchell’s full abilities were only unlocked when the Enterprise passed through the galactic barrier on a mission to investigate the whereabouts of the SS Valiant.

Bombarded by waves of strange energy, Mitchell became something more than just a man. He gained the ability to manipulate matter, control energy, regulate his autonomic reflexes, telekinetic powers and extrasensory perception. These god-like abilities cause Mitchell to view those around him in a new light; he becomes cruel, obsessed with his own superiority. His dialogue in the trailer definitely implies a superiority; he’s looking back on the world of which he used to be a part, but seeing with a newfound clarity. It’s clear that he’s an angry god – “For I have returned to have my vengeance.”

So apart from space-cloud induced megalomania, what’s his motivation? Well, that line about returning might hold a clue. In TOS, he was a crew member on the Enterprise. Has Kirk possibly abandoned him?

Why so somber?

Early on the announcement trailer, Star Fleet seems to have gathered for some special occasion, with Kirk addressing those present. Those in attendance are wearing formal attire and the muted grey palette make for a somber mood. Now, this is speculation of course, but is it possibly a funeral for those lost on a pre-credit mission? Was Cumberbatch’s character one of those lost? Is that military flyover for the recently-departed Gary Mitchell?

Memorial flyover?

And if you need more motivation, how about unrequited love? Alice Eve gets a lot of screentime in the new trailer. If we’re going with Cumberbatch playing Gary Mitchell, it would be logical to assume that Alice Eve is playing Elizabeth Dehner, who also featured prominently in the episode ‘Where No Man Has Gone Before’. Have we not been told her character name so far because it's so synonymous with Mitchell's story?

Dehner was a science officer brought aboard the Enterprise to study the long-term effects of space travel on the crew. Now, the relationship between Kirk, Mitchell and Dehner is an intriguing one. Mitchell said he pushed Dehner in Kirk’s direction to distract him while he was still under Kirk’s tutelage, and Kirk almost married her (there's a shot of Kirk looking longingly at her in the trailer). But it seems as if Mitchell also has feelings for Dehner himself – she rebuffs his flirtations, resulting in him calling her a “walking freezer unit” under his breath. So while Cumberbatch’s monologue might imply a superior intellect – “You think your world is safe. It is an illusion – a comforting lie to protect you” – could he still be motivated by petty jealousy?

If you know the original episode, you'll know that things don't end so well for Elizabeth Dehner.

She's wearing a blue uniform, so she's definitely a science officer.

If it is indeed Mitchell, it demonstrates that Abrams’s sequel hasn’t forgotten what made the first film so good – a sincere affection for the original. After all, it was that most unlikely of successes – a canonical reboot. Who really thought you could satisfy everyone? And the decision to pick Gary Mitchell as the film’s antagonist – not the Klingons, not the Borg – shows the affection for Gene Roddenberry’s original is still very much present. Mitchell, of course, would also serve as a great counterpoint to Spock, who spent most of the first movie battling with his very human emotions, and would also elevate the stakes for Kirk, especially if it involves a woman he genuinely loves.

And if he turns out to be playing Khan or a Gorn wearing a very convincing Sherlock costume, please kindly ignore the words above.

Star Trek Into Darkness will be released in cinemas on May 17, 2013.

Daniel is IGN's UK Staff Writer, and was born on Star Date -336687.27168949775. You can be part of the world's worst cult by following him on IGN and Twitter.

Source : ign[dot]com

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