
Monday, February 25, 2013

The Walking Dead: Andrea's Big Decision

Spoilers for "I Ain't A Judas" within. You've been warned.

Though far from the most beloved character on the show for most fans, Andrea is nonetheless a crucial cast member of The Walking Dead, serving as something of a liaison between Rick's prison group and the Governor's Woodbury in this episode.

As always, we had a chat with series creator and executive producer Robert Kirkman to get the skinny on Andrea's big day out.

Check Out IGN TV's Review of "I Ain't A Judas"

IGN TV: There was a lot of putting pieces into place in this episode. Obviously Andrea’s visit to the prison leads to the events at the end of the episode, but what do you think is dramatically interesting about her reunion with the group?

Robert Kirkman: I think it’s really cool to see these characters reunited. It’s great to see her interacting with Michonne again and how different their relationship is now. But I think the real main thing is seeing how different things are between her and Rick; her and all the other people that she was friends with. They were part of a community. They were surviving together, and now there’s a lot of mistrust; there’s a lot of apprehension. It’s completely different for them now.

This episode really is a big reminder of the fact that Andrea was out on her own with Michonne for a lot longer than she was ever with Rick and the group. Time passed very quickly in seasons one and two and there was a seven month gap between seasons two and three. So it’s been a very long time since she’s seen these people and everything has changed quite a bit.

IGN: One of my favorite things about the show is when we get to see a rather unlikely pairing of characters and see how they interact. In this case it’s Merle and Hershel. Do you think they have any common ground? Since they didn’t know one another before the prison, is there any chance Hershel could help Merle fit into the group?

Kirkman: I think if anybody can do that, Hershel is that character. He’s the father figure of the group, and he seems to be the most open to characters changing and finding themselves. He seems to be the most forgiving. He’s definitely the character who’s looking at Rick and saying, “You’re clearly bat s**t insane, but let’s help you work through this.” I think if he can do that, he can definitely talk some sense into Merle.

IGN: I think a lot of fans will be surprised to see Tyreese winding up on the side of the Governor, at least for now. Obviously, he’s oblivious to what Woodbury’s really like, but in terms of Tyreese’s character and his ethics, how would a character like that react to seeing the true nature of the Governor?

Kirkman: That’s really a test of the Governor’s manipulation skills. If he’s able to actually twist and turn things to the point where Tyreese is actually going to be engaged in this conflict against Rick. I think it’s a big change for comic book fans, because Tyreese and Rick have this tremendously strong friendship in the comics. But he met Rick in a much different place.

I love the way that the story unfolds and kind of necessitates these changes. Tyreese the character is exactly the same as he is in the comic, and Rick’s character is the same as he is in the comic, but Rick was pushed to his breaking point a little bit sooner in the show and Tyreese comes in a little bit later. So as these two characters encounter each other in a different light, Rick has kind of painted himself into a corner when it comes to Tyreese. I mean, he’s really given the Governor all the power he needs to make Tyreese a formidable foe that could give Rick a lot of trouble moving forward.

IGN: As far as Michonne goes, she finally opened up more in this episode more than she has ever before. Is this going to be a regular occurrence, now that she’s becoming more engrained in the group? Maybe we’ll get to hear more from her on her trip with Rick in the next episode?

Kirkman: We’re going to see a lot more from her. I know everyone’s been chomping at the bit to learn more about Michonne and get into her head a little bit and see more of her personality come out. It’s something that we’ve been doing a slow build on. She’s been a character that very quickly was thrown into Woodbury and she played it close to the vest in that situation, and then thrown into a new element in the prison community, there was a bit of staying guarded because of that.

But now she’s warming up to people a little; she’s becoming more invested in these people around her. We’re going to see a little bit more of her personality come out and that’s something that’s a very big part of the next episode.

IGN: Awesome! And we see at the end that Andrea can’t go through with killing the Governor, which I think can be taken in a few different ways. Is she in love with him, is it “disrespectful” to take him out that way, can she just not bring herself to kill a living person in that sneaky way? How do YOU see it?

Kirkman: I don’t know that I’d say she’s in love with him. I think she’s someone who has had feelings for him but I think that Andrea is a smart girl and things have been revealed to her now that she knows this person is not who she thought he was. I think really the main thing here is that these characters in The Walking Dead are human beings. I think that’s something that’s very important to stay aware of. Slicing someone’s throat or stabbing someone to death in the middle of the night is not something that most human beings are capable of no matter who the person on the other end of the knife is.

While Andrea can kill a hundred zombies in a day and have a nice sound sleep that night, it’s still very difficult for her. Her humanity is still intact. She’s having trouble bringing herself to actually murder a human being.

IGN: On a bit of a different note, and something I don’t think we’ve ever really talked about before, I think Bear McCreary’s work is fantastic on the show and has been from the start, but – and correct me if I’m wrong -- I think this is only the second time that the show has used a full-fledged song as part of its soundtrack.

Kirkman: It’s something that we very rarely do, but I haven’t been keeping track. It may have been like three times.

IGN: Yeah, and whatever it is, it’s definitely a rare thing. I’m just curious if there’s a specific reason for that when you do go in that direction. Are you trying to give those particular moments a certain sort of impact?

Kirkman: Yeah, it’s a case-by-case basis on what the scene requires. I think often times score is the right way to go. And sometimes, when the scene needs a little bit of an extra punch or needs to stand out or just needs to be different, we go to source music. I will say that Bear is always consulted on these decisions and is very much a part of the decision making. While it’s not necessarily his score, he is involved in the placement and how it’s working in the scene and how it ties in with his score. And if anyone wants to find out anything else about the songs or the show or the comic or anything, they can always go!

IGN: Cool! I thought it worked really well, I was just curious. That’s all I’ve got this week, is there anything you wanted to add about the episode?

Kirkman: I’ll just say that the Governor is definitely a crafty individual and is manipulating Andrea in his own way. Now that he’s aware that she went to the prison and betrayed him, that’s going to lead to some pretty interesting things and I’m really excited about next week’s episode – I think it’s one of our best episode to date and I think people are really going to love it.

Joey is a Senior Editor at IGN and a comic book creator. Follow Joey on Twitter @JoeyEsposito, or find him on IGN at Joey-IGN. He will love Star Wars until he becomes one with the Force, and then he will continue loving it as a blue ghost.

Source : ign[dot]com

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