
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Comic Book Reviews for 3/27/13

What a twist! There be no spoilers here, but this week's issue of Age of Ultron delivers one heck of a final page that will send this story spinning in a whole new direction. In addition to the latest chapter of the event, we also got our first taste of Marvel's tie-in issues and the debut of the brand new Guardians of the Galaxy #1.

At DC, Batman Incorporated mourned the loss of their team members while Aquaman dealt with the burden of the Atlantean throne and the Injustice comic prequel continued to be brutally depressing.

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All-Star Western #18

Written by Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti | Art by Moritat & Staz Johnson

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think that All-Star Western #18 was the final issue of the series. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray use this latest issue as a means of wrapping up Hex's adventures in Gotham City. It's a shift that had to happen sooner or later, though I wish they hadn't tried to simultaneously send off Hex and wrap up the battle with Vandal Savage in the same issue." -Jesse

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Final Score:


Aquaman #18

Written by Geoff Johns | Art by Paul Pelletier

"Since the conclusion of Throne of Atlantis, the Aquaman series has felt like an underwater version of Game of Thrones. Arthur is a reluctant king determined to do good by the surface world and his new kingdom of Atlantis, but he’s surrounded by betrayers and liars who all have their own idea of how things should be run. To complete the Game of Thrones analogy, there’s a powerful icy villain making his way to Atlantis. Winter is coming, indeed." -Joshua

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Final Score:


Batman: The Dark Knight #18

Written by Gregg Hurwitz | Art by Ethan Van Sciver

"The bigger this Mad Hatter story gets, the worse it is. What we have here is a tale that could have been a one-shot, a done-in-one, and it has been stretched to encompass several issues. The dialogue is fine and the art is pretty good, but the story it self is a snoozer and one that should have been put to bed a long time ago. Can this just end already?" -Ben

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Final Score:


Batman Incorporated #9

Written by Grant Morrison | Art by Chris Burnham & Jason Masters

"Grant Morrison said that he wouldn’t be dealing much with “sad Batman” in his issues to come, and he wasn’t lying. While we do get some expected follow-up to Damian Wayne’s death in this issue in the form of his funeral – referencing back to Batman Inc. #1 – and some reactions from the Bat-family, Morrison does stick to his guns and keep this book about Batman Incorporated and not just Bruce Wayne himself. It’s a nice mix of reactionary emotion and some calm-before-the-storm preparation of taking the battle to Leviathan." -Joey

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Final Score:


The Flash #18

Written by Brian Buccellato | Art by Marcio Takara

"The cover of The Flash #18 poses the question: 'Everyone's after Trickster . . . but why?' If you head into the issue expecting to find an answer, you might be disappointed as writer Brian Buccellato poses only more questions with precious few answers." -Melissa

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Final Score:


Injustice: Gods Among Us #3

Written by Tom Taylor | Art by Jheremy Raapack & David Yardin

"Injustice #3 collects another trio of chapters from DC's digital video game prologue. The unifying theme of these three segments is the worldwide reaction to Superman's new crusade. The series continues to successfully add depth and texture to the world of the game, though issue #3 comes up lacking in the fun elements that distinguished the second issue last month." -Jesse

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Final Score:


I, Vampire #18

Written by Josh Fialkov | Art by Fernando Blanco

"If there’s one thing we’ve learned from Showtime at the Apollo, it’s that getting the hook is never pretty. For I, Vampire, the bell has tolled, and the title is being shuffled off-stage. The storytelling begins to fall apart in earnest in issue #18, with the accelerated timetable smushing plot points so close together that they’re hard to comprehend, much less enjoy." -Poet

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Final Score:


Justice League Dark #19

Written by Jeff Lemire & Ray Fawkes | Art by Mikel Janin

"The Death of Magic has all the right ingredients to be a truly memorable Justice League Dark storyline. But for various reasons, this story has failed to truly engage on an emotional level. Part of the problem is that much of the cast feels incidental and not terribly vital to the outcome of the conflict. Jeff Lemire and Ray Fawkes introduced the twist recently that most of the team are facing malfunctioning powers. But that twist doesn't have a great deal of impact on the story. Nor is there much effort made to resolve it. Oddly, there's surprisingly little sense of change or evolution in the series at the conclusion of this arc." -Jesse

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Final Score:


Red Lanterns #18

Written by Peter Milligan | Art by Miguel Sepulveda

"I couldn’t believe it either: this issue of Red Lanterns isn’t that bad! I’d go so far as to say it’s pretty good. It finally manages to stick to its core theme and deliver an interesting story, not to mention that it does so in the face of a huge crossover event -- something a few of the other Lantern titles haven’t been as successful at." -Joshua

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Final Score:


Superman #18

Written by Scott Lobdell | Art by Various

"For every step forward that writer Scott Lobdell takes on Superman, he takes two steps back. The actual story here is solid because it puts Superman in the political hot seat -- a place super strength and ice breath are of no use to him -- but his characterization is so repugnant that you might start actively rooting against him. Didn’t Ma and Pa Kent teach him any manners?" -Joshua

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Final Score:


Talon #6

Written by James Tynion IV | Art by Guillem March

"Talon has carved out a niche for itself as a relatively fun book amid a sea of dreary, endlessly serious New 52 titles. But the book has its share of darkness and pathos too. Those elements come into play even more in issue #6. Writer James Tynion IV ramps up the tension as Calvin Rose struggles to escape an impenetrable prison and makes a very unexpected discovery along the way." -Jesse

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Final Score:


Teen Titans #18

Written by Scott Lobdell | Art by Eddy Barrows & Rodney Buchemi

"After last month's wildly uneven Teen Titans, expectations weren't terribly high for issue #18 and with good reason. Writer Scott Lobdell has been continuously plagued for several issues by an overabundance of half-formed plot lines and a deficit of consistent characterization and this issue does not see story being pulled out of the muck just yet." -Melissa

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Final Score:


Source : ign[dot]com

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