
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Heavy Rain Dev to Remain PlayStation Exclusive

These days, third-party exclusives are becoming rare. While Sony came out with a series of them early in PS3’s lifecycle -- think Heavenly Sword, Lair, Haze and Resistance: Fall of Man -- the company more often than not has to rely on the studios it owns outright to create PlayStation-only content. Twelve such studios exist, from Naughty Dog and Media Molecule to Polyphony Digital and Guerrilla Games, but Sony has also found an interesting source of even more exclusives from the independent French studio Quantic Dream.

Quantic Dream released its first PlayStation exclusive in 2010 in the form of Heavy Rain, and its upcoming PS3 swan song, Beyond: Two Souls, is due out this October (we recently played it, if you’re interested in learning more). The studio also recently confirmed that it’s working on its first PlayStation 4 game after rumors began to circulate that the game is called Singularity.

In a conversation with the UK’s Official PlayStation Magazine, Quantic Dream’s Guillaume de Fondaumiere confirms that this exclusive relationship is set to continue into the future, even if Sony doesn’t own them, and even if it doesn’t make the studio as much money as going multi-platform would.

“We started working with Sony in 2006 and it’s been a very interesting relationship ever since,” he told the magazine. “It’s a partnership built on trust.”

“This isn’t a partnership where we are forced by a big company into giving immediate results. That’s fantastic for a studio like us. Ever since we started our partnership, Sony just said it was going to give us the money to build these games and we said we were going to work as hard as we could and reward it for its trust.”

He continued: “We proved with Heavy Rain that we can be profitable by making a game for just one platform. Would we have made more money by going multi-platform? Of course, but on the other hand, we wouldn’t be working with Sony as a publisher. We’re certainly not going to change partner [sic] for the sake of making more money; that’s not the philosophy behind our studio. As long as we can create the games we want to create, we’ll stay with Sony.”

Colin Moriarty is an IGN PlayStation editor. You can follow him on Twitter and IGN and learn just how sad the life of a New York Islanders and New York Jets fan can be.

Source : ign[dot]com

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