
Saturday, April 27, 2013

C2E2: Superior Spider-Man Panel Recap

Arune Singh introduced the panel, including Tom Brevoort, Ellie Pyle, Mark Waid, Declan Shalvey, Ryan Stegman, Josh Fialkov, Nick Spencer, Humberto Ramos and Chris Samnee.

“It’s amazing to be a part of a story that upset so many people. It just means that you guys care about what happens, whether you loved it or hated it,” said Pyle on the events of Amazing Spider-Man #700 and Superior Spider-Man. Stegman said that it was surreal to be doing so much press and getting so much attention about the book after doing other titles that struggled to gain traction with fans and critics. Pyle said that Spidey would be dealing with “the Shadowland problem” in issue #14.

Singh played a message from Dan Slott, who announced that Miguel O’Hara is coming to Superior Spider-Man in September (read more about that here), and also teased an upcoming appearance by Venom in the book.

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up launches in July, which Pyle says continues the idea of Spidey teaming up with other heroes with complications from his “Dock Ock-ness.” She said fans of Avenging Spider-Man would be pleased with the new title, and that his relationship with the Avengers might be changing.

A slide of July’s Superior Foes of Spider-Man was shown, about which Spencer said, “This book is about the jerks. This book is about the losers. These are the guys that are usually in the first three pages of a Spider-Man comic. This is our chance to see why these guys do what they do; this is our peek into their daily lives.”

Superior Carnage was mentioned very briefly before moving onto Scarlet Spider, where Singh said that the character’s recent transformations will continue to be explored in this issues to come this summer. Shalvey talked about his work on Venom, saying, “Essentially I get to do ‘dark’ Spider-Man, which is all the stuff I like drawing. I just find it really, really compelling. And all the Venom fans really want Eddie Brock, and he’s back!”

Fialkov talked about Alpha: Big Time, acknowledging the hatred the character garnered in his debut. “When I was brought on the book, the thing that really reverberated with me [in the initial arc] is that he was just doing what a regular teenager would do, which was act awful. That’s what we do when we’re teenagers. The problem is that he’s still a 16-year-old, he’s still got hormones in his head, and he’s got god-level powers.”

Samnee got a huge pop from the crowd as he and Waid began to talk about Daredevil. Waid said that they tried something new with the phenomenal issue #25, where Waid really only fed him emotional beats and dialogue, leaving Samnee to do the storytelling. “Anything that you like about that issue is all this guy,” said Waid, motioning to Samnee.

Of the story itself, Waid added, “I like the idea that we’ve carved out this part of the Marvel Universe where we’re exploring this bromance about these two guys that have been friends since before most of the people in this room were born.”

“The scripts are never set in stone, he lets me add panels, take panels away, we create characters together,” said Samnee of working with Waid. Waid added, “The writer should understand that it’s not my story, it’s our story. That bouncing back and forth really makes it a lot of fun.”

Fearless Defenders was last, where Pyle revealed a new costume design by Mark Brooks for Valkyrie (no more boob saucers).

Joey is a Senior Editor at IGN and a comic book creator. Follow Joey on Twitter @JoeyEsposito, or find him on IGN at Joey-IGN. After Man of Steel comes out, his life will lose all sense of direction and purpose.

Source : ign[dot]com

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