
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Comic Book Reviews for 4/3/13

With Thanos set to be the big bad in Phase Two of the Marvel movies, it's no surprise that Marvel Comics is giving the character renewed attention as of late. The latest story comes in the form of Thanos Rising, an origin story about how the Mad Titan rose to power. In addition, Marvel also released the next chapter of Age of Ultron and an utterly fantastic issue of Indestructible Hulk with the presence of the incomparable Walt Simonson.

At DC, Detective Comics celebrated its (technically) 900th issue as new creative teams debuted on both Action Comics and Swamp Thing to pleasing results. There were also a shocking amount of highly-rated books, so it seems this was a stellar week for comics.

I (Joey) just want to give a quick shout out to Mr. Poet Mase, a longtime contributor to IGN Comics and the weekly comic book reviews, who will be making his last appearance as a regular IGN Comics Review Crew member. He's a great writer and a passionate comic book aficionado, and I'm bummed to see him go, but great things are on the horizon, I'm sure. Make sure you continue to follow his exploits on Twitter and show him some love for his years of hard work.

Due to WonderCon, I didn't get a chance to add last week's community reviews to the round-up from 3/27, so all of those will be added to this one in the next few days.

Join in on the IGN Community reviews!


Action Comics #19

Written by Andy Diggle | Art by Tony Daniel

"It’s plain to see that Superman has had a rough time in the New 52. Constant creative shifts, a bloated crossover, and wayward storylines have plagued the main Superman title, while Grant Morrison’s run on Action Comics had as many highs as it did lows. What we see in Justice League isn't bad, but we hardly get enough to call it a satisfying Superman experience. Therefore, it’s bittersweet that Andy Diggle and Tony S. Daniel deliver the best showing for Supes since the start of the New 52, yet both were recently announced to be leaving the title. Superman will endure, but can Action Comics possibly maintain this high quality without them?" -Joshua

Click to read the entire review!

Final Score:


Animal Man #19

Written by Jeff Lemire | Art by Steve Pugh

"Animal Man #18 somewhat surprisingly ended the series' involvement in the Rotworld crossover with the death of Cliff Baker. I wasn't convinced the book needed such a late and dramatic development at all. There's a lot to be said for that superhero family dynamic where one child enjoys phenomenal cosmic powers and the other has to deal with being boring and ordinary. Was killing Cliff really the most interesting direction Jeff Lemire could have pushed the Bakers? Is it so wrong to allow superheroes to have families? These questions have yet to be addressed. But if nothing else, issue #19 hits all the right emotional beats as Buddy and his family suffer through Cliff's funeral." -Jesse

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Final Score:


Batwing #19

Written by Justin Gray & Jimmy Plamiotti | Art by Eduardo Pansica

"Last month's issue of Batwing saw David Zavimbe being brought lower than he'd ever been as Fabian Nicieza traveled the well worn path of having his hero find strength at rock bottom to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. As co-writers Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti take over the title, Batwing's rise is less epic than Nicieza's setup deserved. The issue is all about tying up loose ends while opening the door for the new Batwing, and there are few, if any, surprises along the way." -Melissa

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Final Score:


Detective Comics #19

Written by Various | Art by Various

"Had the New 52 relaunch never happened, Detective Comics would be hitting the big #900 milestone this month. Far be it from DC to miss an opportunity for an anniversary special. Detective Comics #19 is a hefty oversized issue that features a number of stories from regular writer John Layman, another segment from Talon scribe James Tynion IV, and a healthy slate of Batman-themed pin-up art. Unfortunately, this issue is far from the worthy tribute such a long-running title deserves. Layman's main feature has the dubious distinction of being the worst Batman comic I've read since the start of the New 52." -Jesse

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Final Score:


Dial H #11

Written by China Mieville | Art by Alberto Ponticelli

"If there's one thing China Miéville is good at, it's packing a great deal of story into a compact package. This ability can be used to great effect but sadly, in Dial H #11, it's less than effective. There's a lot going on in this month's issue and the handful of good moments are unfortunately outweighed by the very, very bad." -Melissa

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Final Score:


Earth 2 #11

Written by James Robinson | Art by Nicola Scott

"I love what Earth 2 strives to be, but I hate that it never quite reaches it. Nicola Scott’s engrossing artwork makes each page a visual feast with all manner of magical monsters and epic confrontations, but the narrative text that accompanies those images robs them of their awe-factor. The last page reveal should have given me chills because it looks so glorious, but the execution of the story made the moment fall flat." -Joshua

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Final Score:


Green Arrow #19

Written by Jeff Lemire | Art by Andrea Sorrentino

"I, Vampire was the perfect fit for Andrea Sorrentino’s artwork, but it’s hard to say the same about Green Arrow. Jeff Lemire’s revamped story is dire, yes, but not dark. The emphasis is on character action, precise details, and people getting shot with arrows, not gory violence and horror, so the heavy shadows that are integral to Sorrentino’s style only work to subvert the tone to one that doesn’t quite match. But even though the art isn’t a bullseye, it does hit close enough to the mark that, along with an unrelenting plot, it makes Green Arrow a title worth reading." -Joshua

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Final Score:


Green Lantern #19

Written by Geoff Johns | Art by Ardian Syaf & Szymon Kudranski

"With his run winding down, writer Geoff Johns finally gives the First Lantern a firmer foundation than he's had thus far in Green Lantern #19 as Sinestro's complicated backstory is put to good use. There are solid character moments throughout, with both Sinestro and Hal Jordan seeing their willpower tested in vastly different ways." -Melissa

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Final Score:


Phantom Stranger #7

Written by Dan DiDio & J.M. DeMatteis | Art by Zander Cannon & Gene Ha

"The Phantom Stranger was a series that fell disappointingly short of its potential in its early months. But after taking on a new co-writer in the form of J.M. DeMatteis and now featuring the guest art team of Zander Cannon and Gene Ha, the pieces have finally fallen into place. Issue #7 is easily the book's strongest yet. It's just a shame that this new art team won't be a permanent presence in the Phantom Stranger's world." -Jesse

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Final Score:


Stormwatch #19

Written by Jim Starlin | Art by Yvel Guichet

"Of all the DC comics getting new creative teams this week -- and there are a few -- this one stood out as a surefire hit thanks to Jim Starlin’s involvement. Starlin is a name synonymous with popular cosmic properties such as the Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos, so the sci-fi drama of Stormwatch seemed right up his alley. Unfortunately, his attempt to push the reset button on the cast turns into a lesson on how not to write a team book." -Joshua

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Final Score:


Swamp Thing #19

Written by Charles Soule | Art by Kano

"This was the most purely enjoyable issue of Swamp Thing I’ve read in a long time. Don’t get me wrong, Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette’s recently pruned run was glorious, but in a morbid and dark way. New series writer Charles Soule -- who you might remember from the cleverly executed Image series 27 -- does channel the moody voice of Alec Holland well, yet he adds just a touch of humor to make the sad salad of a man seem a little more fresh." -Joshua

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Final Score:


Source : ign[dot]com

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