
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Podcast Beyond: The State of the PlayStation Store

PlayStation. Does the word send a chill down your spine? Does it caress your senses with wave upon wave of irresistible pleasure? No? Do you like PlayStation? Then you're certainly in the right place. Welcome to Podcast Beyond, your link to the IGN crew that pushes news, opinions and utter hilarity straight to your ears (and subsequently, your brain).

IGN is in disarray after moving up a flight of stairs, but the Beyond boys refuse to not podcast -- even though the podcast room doesn't exist yet! Today, Greg, Colin and Goldie tackle the state of the PlayStation Network, falling out of gaming stories, and if Colin can podcast sprawled out on a couch!

The Beyond Lounge Lizard


Podcast Beyond, Episode 289 (MP3) - 39 MB

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Greg is an executive editor at IGN, cohost of Podcast Beyond and host of Up at Noon. Follow IGN on Twitter, and keep track of Greg's shenanigans on IGN and Twitter. Beyond!

Source : ign[dot]com

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