
Saturday, April 6, 2013

WWE's Dolph Ziggler Talks WrestleMania 29, Money in the Bank and Stand Up Comedy

Dolph Ziggler has been one to watch in the WWE for quite awhile now, impressing many with his in-ring talent and his abilities on a microphone. Going into the WWE’s biggest event of the year, I spoke to Ziggler about his match at this weekend’s WrestleMania 29, where he will team with Big E Langston against Team Hell No, his pairing with AJ Lee, his love of being a heel and his interest in stand up comedy.

IGN TV: Going into WrestleMania, how different is it for you preparing for a tag team dynamic?

Dolph Ziggler: You know what, I’m not used to that actually. The cool thing is I’ve had a few weeks and months to talk with Big E and go over some things. You can’t practice for the nerves in front of 75,000 people, because theoretically he is making his debut in a match. He’s been out there knocking people down and stuff, but you have to be able to psychologically deliver and be able to be on the same page, and this is the well-oiled team that we’re going against with Team Hell No. So we’ll see how that goes. He’s been very focused, he’s listened well, he loves the business, he’s been taking a lot of advice from me, and I’m really looking forward to letting him show everyone what he can do.

Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston

IGN: You were with Vickie Guerrero for quite awhile. What’s it been like for you these past few months to have this very different pairing with AJ and Big E?

Ziggler: It’s different because Vickie started going away, and I started doing my own thing. Now with this group, it’s not that they need me or I need them, but I think the three of us together as we go through WrestleMania season, that could be a really big night for us on Sunday night. We could come out of there with a lot of different titles. Theoretically going into Monday, we start a new year, and it’s a new day. I think that’s where we start to come into our own. That’s where we get on the microphone, let you know the dynamic that we have, let you know our characters, let you know why we’re going to be the best thing going into WWE.

IGN: I talked to AJ earlier, and she was saying a year ago she couldn’t imagine pairing the two of you together.

Ziggler: I’m sure! I’m sure she still doesn’t.

IGN: Has that been interesting for you? I was telling her I was a big fan of the picture of her reading the comic book with you on the phone in the background.

Ziggler: Oh yeah! I saw that. That was good.

Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee

IGN: Have you enjoyed this unlikely pairing?

Ziggler: Absolutely. The thing is, we’re definitely two different people, but we’ve come to work together great and I have this respect for her, because she’s like me. At five years old, I was a fan and hooked and worked toward becoming a WWE Superstar. That’s been her goal her whole entire life too. So we have that bond between us. Even Big E, you go, “Oh, okay, maybe he wasn’t” -- he was too! He was a huge fan. He loves it. He’s out there every night with people he grew up watching, and he’s listening to them. That’s what really cool about it. We have that bond, so at least we broke the ice when we first started hanging out. We love this, and we want this to work out the best. Let’s do it. We will not accept “okay,” we take “great.” We take great pride in our work, and I think that literally in the next couple of weeks, I feel like we’re going to get a shot to prove ourselves.

AJ Lee Talks WrestleMania, Dolph Ziggler and Comic Books

IGN: You chose a Twitter name with the word “heel” in it, so suffice to say you embrace the bad guy of it all?

Ziggler: Yeah, I really do. Like I said, I like to stand out. I like to do this. I hate when a girl goes, “Oh, I’ve never done this before.” Like, “You know what? I have a bunch of times. I’ll show you!” I’m honest. I want to be the best. I want to win. I want everyone to hate me because I know I’m so good. I’m not going to be like, “Oh, go on... I did win 20 Championships, you’re right.” No, “I won ‘em, and you can’t! Watch me do this. Try and follow it. You can’t!” Okay, I’m a bad guy, fine.

Continue to Page 2 as Ziggler talks about the Money in the Bank briefcase, the match (besides his own) he’s most excited for at WrestleMania 29 and his interest in stand up comedy.

Source : ign[dot]com

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