
Monday, May 13, 2013

New FOX Series Trailers: J.J. Abrams' Almost Human, Orci & Kurtzman's Sleepy Hollow, Seth MacFarlane's Dads and More

Update: There were a couple other new trailers shown at FOX's Upfront event today that have not been released online. I've added photos and my first thoughts on them below.

New NBC Trailers: The Michael J. Fox Show, Believe, More

Check out the previews for FOX's new series for 2013-2014, along with my quick first impression. They include the comedy Brooklyn Nine-Nine from Parks and Recreation's Michael Schur, Seth MacFarlane's live-action series, Dads, and two shows from producers of Fringe - Sleepy Hollow, executive produced by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, and Almost Human, from J.J. Abrams and J.H. Wyman. Check out the trailers below.

FOX’s 2013-2014 Schedule: What Airs When

Almost Human

J.J. Wyman was the co-showrunner on Fringe and his re-teaming with J.J. Abrams looks to have a similar cool vibe. We've seen the human cop and his robot partner (or alien or "other") idea before, but this looks to be a clever take on it. I'm sold.

Sleepy Hollow

From the second I heard "time traveling Ichabod Crane" I've been fascinated by this one and how utterly out there it sounded. The trailer delivers on that front, as Crane comes to 2013 and deals with our oddities - and, you know, the Headless Horseman. Who gets a big weapons upgrade. Ridiculous? Yes. Fun? I sure hope so.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Doing a cop comedy in the style of The Office and Parks and Rec kind of seems like a no-brainer and it's kind of surprising it took so long to happen. As a big fan of Parks and Rec, I'm an easy sell on anything from that show's co-creator, Mike Schur. No, this trailer isn't hysterical - the jokes are hit and miss. But the good ones stand out and both The Office and Parks and Rec had a learning curve.


Well... Something had to be this season's Partners, I guess.


Basically looks like a military version of Police Academy, and I say that in a positive way. The vibe is fun and some of the jokes are pretty good. I'd check this one out. You?


Greg Kinnear seems perfectly suited for this kind of show and role. Much has been made of FOX thinking of this as show that can fill the void of House. It looks like it may deliver on that score, though I don't know if it will stand out as that show did at its best.

Us & Them

I haven't seen Gavin & Stacy, the British show on which this is based, so I can't compare. But this looks like the best of FOX's new comedies out of the gate, with good humor and charming leads. Nothing wrong with a romantic comedy if it delivers the goods. And Michael Ian Black's line about ice cream cracked me up.

Gang Related

[Trailer not posted online] It probably doesn't speak highly of this one that even though I saw the trailer for it today, it barely made an impression. This story of cops and gangsters in Los Angeles looks pretty generic at this point, although it's always great to see Terry O'Quinn. Still, executive producer Scott Rosenbaum was a writer for The Shield, so hopefully this show has an extra edge to it that helps it stand out more.

Surviving Jack

[Trailer not posted online] Is it time to have 90s nostalgia? Yep! This new comedy focuses on a teenage boy in 1991 and his overbearing dad (SVU's Chris Meloni). The trailer was a bit disjointed, in that it had good energy and looks to have fun performances, but wasn't all that funny. Meloni is willing to really go all out in comedies though (oh, Wet Hot American Summer, how you rule), which may help make this one worth giving a shot to.

Source : ign[dot]com

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