
Sunday, May 26, 2013

The 10 Most Heartbreaking Moments in Comic Book Movies

We enjoy our favourite comic book movies as much for their great characters with recognizable human failings as their bombast and humour. After a re-watch of The Dark Knight recently it struck me how brilliantly sad it was when The Joker explains to Batman that they’ll “do this dance forever," not only within the context of the narrative but outside of it, as we’d never see Heath Ledger do that dance again. It made me think more deeply about those quieter moments in our fan-boy favourites that punch us in the guts and force us to look to the ceiling so our friends don’t spot the tears rolling down our cheeks (I’m looking at you, death-of-Big-Daddy. Seriously.)

Here our our top ten heartbreaking moments in comic book movies.

(BIG spoilers ahead.)


The Train, Spider-Man 2

Released 2004

If there was one thing you could say of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, it’s that the series didn’t have a punitive bone in its body, even if by the third movie it had the momentum of a big dumb Labrador. Perhaps the series’ most heartfelt moment came during Spider-Man 2 after a spectacular action sequence atop a train, that saw Peter Parker reminded of his true calling as the people of New York carry him, battered and bruised, to safety.  A little heavy-handed on the religious motif perhaps, but somehow more endearing for it.


The End, The Dark Knight

Released 2008

While it’s not a moment that will necessarily break it, Commissioner Gordan’s speech at the end of the Dark Knight will certainly tug at your heart, its weighty message the perfect coda to such a face-slapping ride of a film. The idea of Batman as a symbol, one, in this instance, to be destroyed, is a reminder of just how adult Nolan’s franchise is; dark, brooding and damn smart.


Uncle Ben Dies, Spider-Man

Released 2002

Another one of those moments we knew was coming - Uncle Ben is Spider-Man's raison d'être, after all - his death in the Raimi Spider-Man is still quite devastating, played with earnesty by the hugely likeable Tobey Maguire and Cliff Robertson. The tragedy of the moment lies with Uncle Ben's inability to croak out anything other than "Peter" as the normally eloquent and amiable man loses his life to a gunshot wound.


Jonathan Kent Dies, Superman

Released 1978

Although we didn’t get much screen time with Pa Kent in the '78 Superman, his brief appearance showed us he was a loving father, proud of his son and – most vitally – proud of his son’s differences. Played by a roguishly likeable Glenn Ford, Jonathan Kent’s sudden death early on in the film was a somewhat brutal and ultimately very pertinent plot-twist.


Thor is Banished, Thor

Released 2011

If you had momentarily forgotten that Kenneth Branagh had directed Thor, you’ll remember it with this scene. It’s a very real moment of human drama (albeit played out in grand, Shakesperian tones), and our first indication that hell yes, Chris  Hemsworth can carry this movie on his massive shoulders. The clincher? The look on Odin’s face when Thor calls his father a fool.


Jean Grey's Sacrifice, X-Men 2

Released 2003

Jean Grey’s sacrifice of herself at the end of X2 might have had a little more impact had our eyes not been subjected to  X-Men 3: The Last Stand three years later (apologies to those who liked Brett Ratner's effort), but is nonetheless a devastating moment for a character who had become a fan-favourite. Her ‘death’ was driven home by a reconciliation of sorts between Logan and Scott, both characters falling into each arms while crying out “she’s gone” in  heaving, manly sobs.


Xavier is Paralysed, X-Men: First Class

Released 2011

Of course we knew this moment was going to happen: Charles Xavier’s wheelchair is as much a part of him as his lack of hair. What we mightn't have anticipated, however, was how much soul McAvoy and Fassbender lend to Xavier and Lensherr’s friendship, and the weight the Lensherr-inflicted injury carries as a result. The panicked “I can’t feel my legs” from McAvoy is particularly brutal.


Alfred Leaves, The Dark Knight Rises

Released 2012

I don’t know about you guys, but I felt a similar wrongness to catching my parents fight, watching this scene.  While other people in Bruce’s life come and go, Alfred is the constant, the loyal friend. In fact, the thought of Alfred having a life outside of Bruce seems obscene; what the hell would he do with himself? Anyway, this moment is beautifully played by Bale and Caine, who are really getting a chance to sink their teeth into some meaty material here. As Caine’s voice breaks at the memory of looking after Bruce as a baby, your heart does too.


Big Daddy Dies, Kick-Ass

Released 2010

Kick-Ass was the movie that achieved the unthinkable: it made Nicholas Cage cool again. As the tortured vigilante Big Daddy he reminded us why he is king of the offbeat roles, and persuaded us, while wearing that ridiculous costume, that he genuinely loved his on-screen daughter despite grooming her for a life of anarchy and murder.  Expect the tears to start rolling when he tells Hit-Girl he loves her right before he dies.


Agent Coulson Dies, The Avengers

Released 2012

Thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D  the Internet has been alight with ‘Coulson lives!’ of late, but we didn't expect a reappearance when his death in Marvel's The Avengers had us salting our own popcorn. Joss Whedon has always been a dab hand at killing off likable characters when we least expect it, and Phil Coulson was very much a representative of the normal guy, of the fans, of us; killing him seemed all the more tragic because of his hugely endearing normalcy. He dies with conviction – the virtue Loki, as he points out, lacks so completely – and his unwavering faith in The Avengers lends the movie its heart.

What would you put on this list? Let us know in the comments. 

Lucy O'Brien is Assistant Editor at IGN AU. Follow her ramblings on IGN at Luce_IGN_AU,or @Luceobrien on Twitter. If you like what you're reading, follow the whole Aussie team on Facebook. 

Source : ign[dot]com

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