This morning, Microsoft held its E3 press conference, where they uncovered a few new details, such as the price of the Xbox One and the a new Xbox 360 model. And like many of you have been asking for, they showed a whole lot of games.
We asked viewers what they thought of the event on Twitter. Here are some of their responses:
@ign I'm all for ps4 but those Xbox exclusives looked so good.
— anthony domalakes (@domalakes33) June 10, 2013
@ign Great to finally see GAMES!!! Metal Gea r- Out of this world. As a K.Instinct Fan, disappointed, that doesn't look like K.I. - terrible
— sola staj (@staj_) June 10, 2013
@ign Too many shooters. Spark, Dead Rising, Titan Fall and MGS V were the coolest parts. Sony needs to do some swinging! #E32013
— Oscar Walker (@Oscar_LeFonz) June 10, 2013
@ign Im most excited to see "The Spark." It's a game inside of a game! It takes sand boxing to a whole new level! Truly amazing! #E3
— Dougie (@LupoNyr) June 10, 2013
@ign Press conference was awesome, BUT! In my opinion the only game that pulled me in the most was Killer Instinct. ULTRAAAAA COOOOOMBOO ...
— KenJi Yamazaki (@KenJi832) June 10, 2013
@ign #e3 overall, a great conference… 10/10? no, but everything they showed does make me interested in the console
— Sean Godde (@Rdot89) June 10, 2013
@ign They showed games, that's great.But are we so quick to forget the reasons we were mad a week ago?
— Stacy Lane Fritts (@CrazyAxel) June 10, 2013
@ign it did not the alleviate my fears that it would be a DRM fueled monster. It's gonna be the first major console I pass on since Jaguar.
— andrew (@runjinrun) June 10, 2013
@ign I'm concerned that the price point and DRM will make Xbox One less accessible. I want to own, not "rent for an exteded amount of time"
— Tyler Murray (@TylerWMurray) June 10, 2013
@ign Like it but some things where little shady on there choices of line ups and I didn't link they addressed the used game fee.
— ZacharyPacker (@ulitmatevegeta) June 10, 2013
@ignMicrosoft did devote a single second addressing their Always On & DRM policies.
— WaterFaster2012 (@WaterFaster2012) June 10, 2013
Microsoft did their job this time. Still questionable XboxOne policies and they copied Sony's current community structure but okay. @ign #e3
— Danny Nanni (@dannynanni) June 10, 2013
@ign Some great new games, but I think that Xbox One has taken a step backwards. A console for non-gamers, by businessmen!
— Rupesh A Double G (@oOPlay2KillOo) June 10, 2013
@ign Not what I expected, I feel a little dissappointed and $499 is way too much for a console that is never going to be truly mine.
— Alvaro Mena (@AlvaroEMena) June 10, 2013
@ign I thought everything was going just great. Until they revealed that price tag :/
— Justin (@Bulkapalooza) June 10, 2013
@ign Sony can corner the European market if they use a basic currency converter. #e3 Xbone in Europe will be $660
— Danny Shields (@doGBoy11) June 10, 2013
@ign - tbh, some good games but again I'm still unclear. Price for console is very high & with no game pricing mentioned, I'm disappointed
— Chris (@theChr15pyONE) June 10, 2013
What did you think of Microsoft's E3 conference? Share your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter. You could be in our next reaction round-up!
Christine Cain does Social Media at IGN. Fill the empty spaces of your life with the empty spaces of her life on Twitter @CarnivoreCain and on MyIGN at Cain-IGN.
Source : ign[dot]com
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