
Thursday, June 20, 2013

IGN Heads to the Set of Pacific Rim

Earlier last year, IGN and several other outlets were invited on the set of Guillermo del Toro's highly anticipated monsters vs. robots flick Pacific Rim. And let me tell you upfront, this movie looks awesome. In terms of production alone, Pacific Rim is a massive undertaking. Shot at the famed Pinewood Studios in Toronto, the film created 101 unique sets and took over all nine soundstages while filming -- including the jumbo stage that's the biggest in North America. To make it all happen, the production team would hop from stage to stage as other sets were simultaneously being constructed and torn apart. And with a 103-day shoot, this was happening pretty much every day.

When you consider the sheer scope of Pacific Rim, it's amazing just how much there was to see, even before any digital effects were added. On the stage where Del Toro was directing that day, we saw the devastating aftermath of a Kaiju attack, with crumbled buildings, piled wreckage and pockets of real flame and smoke pouring over the refuse. There was, of course, a green screen at the back that would later become the skyline of Hong Kong, but there was certainly no shortage of physical reference to immerse yourself in the city's destruction.

The first scene we saw was centered on Charlie Day's character Dr. Newton Geiszler, whose geek chic apparel had been sufficiently torn and dirtied at this point in the film. In a long tracking shot, we watched as Day and several other extras scrambled to flee the chaos behind them -- likely one of the Kaiju that would be added later in post. But as Day noted, it's much easier to react to something that isn't there when you have so many other visual cues to guide you.

"There's a giant set full of rubble. It's on fire," Day explained. "There's leaking fire hydrants, and every car I run past flips over into the air. So to me, there hasn't been too much of something not being there. I'm running and chaos is actually happening behind me. As soon as I hit the ground and turn around, I guess, yes, there's something that's not there -- but sometimes you work with actors who aren't there, so you figure out how to get through the day."

Now, you might be wondering, just how did "that one guy" from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia wind up in a big-budget action pic? In between takes, we got to sit down and speak with Del Toro about casting Day in the role of Newt. The director began, "I am a huge fan of [It’s Always Sunny] in Philadelphia -- and we had Newt as a character -- and one day in one of the episodes in Philadelphia, he has a monologue about rats. He comes out with a stick, and he has a monologue about what it is to hunt the rats in the basement. It was very funny, but he was coming from character. He was not doing big stuff, he was, like, really mourning and lamenting his job, you know, how inhuman it is. And I thought, 'This guy is great at shading and comedy.' There are moments in the movie where he delivers them both. I'm extremely happy with that."

Charlie Hunnam as Raleigh Becket (left) and Charlie Day as Newt (right)

Also on hand was co-star Ron Perlman, who was there to shoot another spoilerific scene with Day. Without giving too much away, Perlman was able to explain some of the backstory behind his character Hannibal Chau: "He's got this arrangement with these government guys, these anti Kaiju fighting guys. Whenever a Kaiju falls and the government is done doing with them what it is they need to do scientifically or research-wise, Hannibal Chau has the rights to sell these Kaiju [organs] to his bevy of collectors, who have nothing to do with money but buy exotic, illegal things, or illicit things."

And needless to say, Hannibal Chau is one tough-looking dude. When we spoke with Perlman in his trailer, the actor was already fully done up with scars and a gold grill. "He pretty much wears his heart, his wallet, on his sleeve," Perlman continued, "and he's adorned with the accoutrements of someone who puts his things that he owns and has managed to collect through his meanderings in bold display. He's rather garish, and larger than life, more style than substance."

Perlman wouldn't go into too many details about his character, although Del Toro said there's not much more you need to know. "I think the moment you have a guy that is called Hannibal Chau and Ron shows up, and he's from Brooklyn and he's been selling black market organs, you know the whole story... That's all I need to know. If it's any other actor, there's a lot more explaining to do. But when Ron comes in with that look, you can make your own story and it'll be as compelling as anything I can invent. You do a little weightlifting with the audience."

Ron Perlman as Hannibal Chau

Unfortunately, co-star Idris Elba wasn't around for an interview, but Del Toro did have a few words on the British actor's character Stacker Pentecost. "I wanted to have Idris not be the blonde, square-jawed, anglo, super hip marine that knows [everything]. I wanted somebody that could bring a lot of authority, but that you could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. When I watched Luther, that's the essence of the character. I was watching Luther and I was like this guy makes much more out of Luther. Luther is carrying literally the evils of the world on his shoulders. He's doing penance for all humanity... Idris is one of those actors that is capable of embodying humanity, in almost like a Rodin sculpture-type, larger than life, almost like a Russian realism statue, you know, big hands, all the turmoil of humanity in his eyes. I wanted somebody that you could have doubts internally, and very few guys can do that."

Continued on Page 2, where Del Toro explains the nature of Jaegers, Conn-pods and neural drifting...

Source : ign[dot]com

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