
Friday, September 14, 2012

LittleBigPlanet Vita’s Street Date Broken

Tweets are currently raging around the ‘net concerning LittleBigPlanet Vita, and how its release date – September 25 in North America – has apparently been moved up. Whether or not this move has been authorized by Sony remains to be seen, but the game is currently in the hands of players well ahead of its release date.

On Twitter, users like MyVitaFeed have pictures of the game in their possession. Likewise, NKilburne has also posted a picture of his Vita’s screen playing the game. IGN reader Vargeth has also provided photographic proof. These copies were apparently purchased from various GameStop outlets.

We’ve also contacted two Bay Area GameStop stores inquiring about the game’s availability. One store said that they had no copies, but the other store verified that they have two copies left. It's unclear if the street date has been broken outside of North America, or by any other retailer domestically.

We reviewed LittleBigPlanet PS Vita earlier this week, and we loved it. Those looking for a new Vita game to play should certainly consider it.

Colin Moriarty is an IGN PlayStation editor. You can follow him on Twitter and IGN and learn just how sad the life of a New York Islanders and New York Jets fan can be.

Source : ign[dot]com

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