
Saturday, December 1, 2012

M5 knockout Blaze, the only Korean team at IPL5.

In another set that went to the final game M5 proved that their lack of experience playing Korean teams at LANs is no big deal and took the closely fought win.

Game 1



  • Rengar
  • Lee Sin
  • Cho’Gath


  • Twisted Fate
  • Zyra
  • Diana



  • Olaf
  • Sona
  • Vayne
  • Katarina
  • Darius


  • Mundo
  • Eve
  • Nunu
  • Corki
  • Xin Zhao

M5 got off to a great start by killing Darius and then diving Olaf for a quick second kill, taking a solid early lead. They moved down and killed Dragon before six minutes and started to look a lot more like their old selves. They nabbed their third kill in short order and almost made it four but a nice cleanse from Vayne allowed her to get away.

A big fight for the second Dragon went heavily in Blaze’s favor with some great CC. They got two kills for one less and added the Dragon gold to their tally, evening the game up. Some back and forth later Blaze were up on towers but down on kills, the gold remained even. The next Dragon fight goes in totally the other direction. M5 had fantastic positioning and movement. They destroyed Blaze 4-0. No one on M5 was even at low health, it was a brutally one-sided fight. They also took Dragon after and moved into a 4k gold lead.

M5 were feeling strong and killed two of Blaze in between their towers. They followed that up with a really fast Baron and started to look pretty unbeatable in this game with the all important 10k gold lead. Blaze certainly had their work cut out for them if they hoped to make a comeback. They did have a Vayne however and if M5 let the game run too long that might become an issue. Eve got a little greedy in going for a kill and ended up dying for it. This opened up the chance for Blaze to take their first inner tower of the game. Nevertheless when Eve re-spawned M5 went right back to being in the driver’s seat.

M5 took the first Inhib without major incident and started poking on the second. They decided it was time to end the game and charged into Blaze, decimating them. Eve managed a quadra that would have been a penta if Nunu didn’t steal it. Apart from the one bad Dragon fight M5 looked really strong in this first game of the set.

Game 2



  • Twisted Fate
  • Zyra
  • Diana


  • Rengar
  • Evelynn
  • Nunu



  • Lee Sin
  • Sona
  • Ezreal
  • Shen
  • Master Yi


  • Corki
  • Olaf
  • Orianna
  • Lulu
  • Jax

Blaze got off to a nice start and secured first blood for Olaf. This allowed him to finish his first gp10 item very early which meant he got his second early as well, this would make him a much bigger threat later on. While there was some aggression after first blood, none of it went anywhere and very little changed until M5 took an unopposed Dragon at 13 minutes, closing the gold gap to about 1000. Blaze, while unable to secure kills, did manage to destroy towers which increased their lead nicely. However, outer-tower gold can flip-flop very fast and if M5 did manage to win a team-fight with enough people left alive to push, Blaze’s lead would evaporate.

A disastrous fight for M5 followed, again near Dragon, it ended with Blaze getting a clean four kills and taking Dragon. This upped their lead to a pretty serious 7k and before long it was nearing 10k, propped up by a 5-0 tower count for Blaze. They had so much gold, they had no trouble finishing up M5 and taking the game. M5 did not manage a single kill in this game, Blaze were totally dominant.

Game 3



  • Rengar
  • Evelynn
  • Nunu


  • Twisted Fate
  • Olaf
  • Jax


  • Diana
  • Corki
  • Luu
  • Nocturne
  • Irelia


  • Sona
  • Lee Sin
  • Zyra
  • Ezreal
  • Renekton

There was a very cautious start to the game, plenty of wards and no kills at all by the 10 minute mark. Neither team wanted to do anything risky and give the other team the chance to snowball after they both had one quite one-sided game in the set. The waiting finally ended with M5 getting both the first dragon and the first kill. Some minutes later a really nice combo of a Nocturne ult and a Lulu ult brought Blaze but to even. However, on their way back from getting the kill they ran into Zyra who slaughtered them both.

At the 25 minute mark not much had changed: M5 had a small gold lead, they were even in towers at 2-2. The next Dragon went wonderfully for Blaze, even though M5 actually got the Dragon gold. They managed to go 4-1 and better yet took two further towers afterwards. This put the gold back to even and gave Blaze the momentum, at least for awhile. M5 cared not for such things and had a fantastic fight in mid. They killed three of Blaze for free and followed up with a Baron, upping their gold lead to around 4k. This put them firmly back in charge of the game-pace and gave them control of the map.

The action slowed down for awhile after that. M5 didn’t do anything too forceful with their Baron buff but they did slowly add to their gold lead. The next fight was a hard, long punch-up with lots of damage and ults but only two deaths per team. Blaze tried to take Baron but Lee Sin managed to stop them and baited them into a fight they lost for the price of his GA only. After M5 killed Corki they secured Baron, passed the 10,000g lead line and took down the first Inhib. M5 forced the issue and after killing another Inhib tower and they broke into a team fight. Zyra landed a massive ult and Blaze got splattered all over their own base. M5 cleaned up the game.

MVP: Predicable but true nevertheless, Alex will be picking up the MVP for set. His Eve in the first set was dominant and he made several key plays in the third game to secure his crown stays where it is.

An interesting set of games. Slow to get started but very snowbally. It seemed like either team could have won. M5 definitely proved the better team though and they progress into the next round.

Source : ign[dot]com

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