
Saturday, December 1, 2012

WE manage to pass through CLG.EU grinder and into the next round

WE grind their way to victory through a one sided game and a game they had to put real work into winning. CLG.EU fall to the losers bracket, but will be back to fight another day.

Game 1



  • Twisted Fate
  • Diana
  • Blitzcrank


  • Anivia
  • Irelia
  • Malphite



  • Rengar
  • Maokai
  • Zyra
  • Kog’maw
  • Lux


  • Cho’Gath
  • Ezreal
  • Lee Sin
  • Sona
  • Evelynn

The game started quietly, few close calls but no real engages. However, Ezreal was out-farming Kog’Maw to an extreme degree. WE also took an early tower and shortly after that, first blood. Ezreal killed Kog, extending his early lead by a large margin. The second kill went to WE as well when Eve invaded the CLG red and killed Maokai, taking the buff as well as his life. They followed that up by taking bot tower and pulling into a 3000g lead at 11 minutes.

Eve roamed to botlane a little later and got between Kog and his tower. Despite a nice flash, dodging her ult completely, Kog went down and WE moved further ahead. A great set-up by WE ended in a somewhat close fight, but WE proved stronger and went four for one, taking the overall score to 7-1 and securing a 6000g lead.

WE went from strength to strength, racking up more kills wherever Eve roamed and getting further and further ahead. By 22 minutes WE hit the 10k gold lead mark with a score of 12-1 and it looked pretty certain that when they chose to press they would be able to end quite quickly. WE won the next fight 3-0 and took Baron for desert. They wrecked CLG in the last fight of the game 5-0 and took game one.

Game 2



  • Anivia
  • Malphite
  • Irelia


  • Twisted Fate
  • Diana
  • Blitzcrank



  • Ezreal
  • Sona
  • Rengar
  • Orianna
  • Cho’Gath


  • Kog’Maw
  • Zyra
  • Amumu
  • Rumble
  • Lee Sin

Game two started by both teams stealing blue from each other to no major gain. CLG went for a lane-swap, sending Kog and Zyra up to lane vs Rengar. CLG picked up first blood with a great gank from Amumu, killing Ezreal. While this was a better start than last game, WE answered back with a Dragon not long after and pulled ahead in global gold.

WE moved into high-gear again and took the next two kills and nabbed themselves two towers as well. Securing a 4000g lead by 10 minutes is pretty massive and WE were looking strong. CLG did manage to get a kill back and a tower, closing the gold gap to about half of what it was. The next fight went even, one for one, but WE maintained their lead. However, CLG had halted the WE momentum successfully and were starting to get into the game properly. They took the next kill with a really slick move from Amumu, punishing WE for aggressively pushing and killing Ezreal. They also took the next Dragon of the game and brought the gold gap to around 3k.

The next fight was all about WE, they took four kills for two and took two turrets in midlane. Kog focused on his farm up and ended up baiting Ezreal into a getting killed by Lee Sin. WE were up five turrets to two and 5000g, however Kog had a lot of farm and four kills. Perhaps if CLG could hold on a little longer, until Kog hit his core build, they might have a chance of victory. Amumu got caught out and killed which allowed WE to take the first Inhib of the game. CLG managed to take a few kills back with the counter-push but WE stopped them from taking Baron so WE came out ahead on the exchange.

WE went for their own Baron while sending Rengar to split-push botlane. CLG managed to stop them and Lee Sin managed to pick up a triple kill to WE’s only one. However Rengar took out a second of CLG’s Inhibs. The fear of Rengar’s split-push made sure WE secured Baron and pushed on through CLG’s base. A great fight for CLG where WE landed some nice ults but not on Kog who proceeded to wreck them. This allowed CLG to take the next Baron and take the gold lead for the first time in a very long time. CLG won the next fight but the WE super minions took out one of their Nexus turrets. Kog’Maw hit six items after this as the game reached 47 minutes.

The next 20 minutes contained some of the closest, most entertaining back and forth of any game this year, not just at IPL5. It would take 1000 words to detail it out and frankly not be as anywhere near good as watching the vod. You should go that, you will not regret it. The game was on a knife-edge, back and forth, so many kills and deaths, Inhibs re-spawning only to fall again. It was amazing. But the backdoor pressure from Rengar and one final good team fight allowed WE to close out the game and take the 2-0 victory over CLG.EU.

MVP: Caomei’s insistent and repetitive back-dooring of CLG.EU’s Inhibs and Nexus towers was the primary reason they couldn’t snowball to victory. He forced them to back rather than push over and over and was key in WE’s victory.

An impressively stompy first game from WE followed up by the longest and closest game of the event so far. The first game made CLG.EU look like they were simply outclasses, the second games proved they can stand toe to toe with WE, even though WE definitely proved the stronger.

- Jaszon 'Lightblind' Alexzander

Source : ign[dot]com

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