
Friday, March 8, 2013

Dance Central 3 DLC Ends This Month

Since release, there have been “nearly weekly” DLC releases for Dance Central 3. However, Harmonix announced today that as of the end of this month, releases of new dance routines will stop, at least for the time being.

"As Harmonix moves forward with several new titles currently in development, the talented developers who make this content are needed on other projects," Harmonix explained. "With the Dance Central DLC team moving around, this month will be the last DLC for Dance Central 3 for the near future. We’ll still be hard at work supporting the community with updated Live Challenges and leaderboards, and the Music Store will still be up and running for you to grab any routines you might have missed!"

This comes on the heels of the announcement that Harmonix would stop putting out Rock Band DLC at the end of April. That stoppage was also attributed to the team going on to work on new projects.

More than 200 tracks are currently available across the libraries of Dance Central 1, 2 and 3.

Taylor Cocke is a Bay Area based freelance games writer. Listen to him spout about bands you don't care about by following Taylor on Twitter @taylorcocke.

Source : ign[dot]com

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