
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Donkey Kong Country 3DS Made Easier, New World

Donkey Kong Country Returns on 3DS will include a new optional difficulty mode who found the original Wii game too taxing.

Satoru Iwata revealed the news in today's Nintendo Direct broadcast. He said that the game has been designed to be played on the move. To make the game a little tad more friendly, you'll now have three hearts, not two. This means you'll be able take up to five enemy hits.

There are also a range of new items to make life in the jungle just that bit easier:

  • Portable DK Barrel, allowing you to summon Diddy Kong more frequently.
  • Green Balloon, which will float you back up to a ledge should you accidentally fall off.
  • Crash Guard: you can crash now up to two times before taking damage while riding a rocket or minecart.

Iwata also revealed that after you've completed the game an entirely new world would open up containing 8 new levels. Donkey Kong Country Returns on 3DS will be released on May 24th.

Daniel is IGN's UK Staff Writer. You can be part of the world's most embarrassing cult by following him on IGN and Twitter.

Source : ign[dot]com

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