
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Avengers #10 Review

What was one of the most hotly anticipated titles of Marvel NOW! has now become one of the most quizzical. Avengers has all the ingredients of a great story-in-the-making -- big name heroes, big threats, big mysteries -- but so far there has been little to hold it all together. Jonathan Hickman made his name at Marvel with his stellar Fantastic Four run, but without the magic that was the Richards family to give the book its heart, Avengers reads more like a history book than a compelling comic.

Every time I open up an issue of this Avengers series, I have no idea who the book will be about or what the characters will be doing. Hickman is taking us on a unique journey unlike any we’ve seen before, yes, but he’s got the map and won’t let us take a peek at where we’re going. Even though this issue was pretty morbid and filled with death and strange transformation, I found myself ambivalent because I have not been given anyone to root for. The plot has become so obscure that it feels like anyone could be in the Avengers' shoes.

Mike Deodato does a good job detailing the strange and admittedly creepy quarantine zone. There’s strange vegetation, ruined buildings, and odd little yellow men. His gift for facial nuances help him sell the one funny moment of the book between Falcon and Captain America, but that’s not enough to unhinge you from the dreary atmosphere this book pulls you into.

Joshua writes for IGN. If the Powerpuff Girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice, then he is surely made of ketchup, pizza, and lightsaber replicas. Follow him on Twitter or IGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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