
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Daily Fix Headlines for May 29, 2013

Realizing it’s Wednesday and not Tuesday is almost as gratifying as finding out the details on The Last Of Us season pass - trust me, it’s that good. Even better, did you see the most recent rumors regarding a possible (please let it be true) Mirror’s Edge 2? You’ll want to get the scoop on that. Lastly, I’m not a Vita owner, yet, but it looks like those who do own the controversial handheld may have a new reason to rejoice, as soon as they buy the PS4 that is. More in today’s episode along with our Deals Of The Week segment – games as low as 10 dollars a pop!

Here are the stories we covered in today's Fix:

Sony has asked developers to include Remote Play functionality for all PlayStation 4 games. GG WiiU, GG.

If you’re like me and you try to avoid any and all news regarding The Last Of Us then you probably looked at this and told yourself, “Should I? Shouldn’t I?” Well I’m here to tell you, you definitely should. It’s void of spoilers and contains all the goodies you could hope for.

Changes and expected release window for the new MMO can be found here.

You read that right. Mirror’s Edge 2 may not be such a far off dream after all as a second listing for the title mysteriously appears than disappears from the web. Could it be a tease for EA’s upcoming E3 press conference? Read up for more details.

Naomi Kyle is IGN's news host and on-camera personality. You can find her every day on The Daily Fix, kicking ass and taking names. You can follow her on Twitter @NaomiKyle.

Source : ign[dot]com

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