
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Uncanny X-Force #5 Review

The new volume of Uncanny X-Force had a much rockier start than I would have expected, with a questionable Psylocke characterization being chief among the book's several flaws. Issue #5 offers at least some improvement on that front. Sam Humphries slows the pacing down as he begins a short, two-issue exploration into Bishop's fragile psyche. Though the script features a few scenes set in the real world, the majority focuses instead on Psylocke and Storm as they traverse Bishop's memories. Thankfully, Psylocke ditches the cranky, foul-mouthed persona she's adopted lately and becomes more like the strong, confident heroine that the previous volume established her as.

This issue does even more damage control for Bishop. A great many fans of the character were understandably upset by his portrayal during Messiah Complex and his shift towards villainy in the years that followed. Humphries doesn't make the mistake of wiping away or excusing Bishop's misdeeds, but we at least see a more well-rounded and regretful take on the character through various glimpses of his life in the 68th Century. There are still many questions to be answered, and the big reveal this month lacks impact because it was so obvious, but good character work is good character work.

The focus on the astral plane means that Adrian Alphona is allowed to tackle the majority of the issue rather than just a handful of pages. Alphona 's loopy art and character designs are a welcome change of pace for not just this series, but Marvel's comics as a whole. The energy and sense of imagination at work in these pages are palpable. Dexter Soy's work in the few real world scenes is fairly dull by comparison, but at least he manages to mimic Ron Garney's style well enough.

This issue proves that Humphries can deliver the sort of character-centric focus the series needs. Whether the characterization can become more consistent is still the question. And when exactly this ragtag band will develop a clearer sense of purpose is equally up in the air.

Jesse is a writer for various IGN channels. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter, or Kicksplode on MyIGN.

Source : ign[dot]com

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